future directions for mapserver

Rob Atkinson rob at socialchange.net.au
Fri Jan 5 14:57:28 EST 2001

I think an equally pertinent question is will mapserver support open
standards for interoperable Web Mapping - the OpenGIS Web Map Server
standards. Wrappers are possible but native support would be better.


This has been mentioned a few times over since release of the specs in April

Rob Atkinson

Michael Hearne wrote:

> MapServer users (and developers) - I'm in the position to recommend
> using various internet mapping applications.  I'm most excited about
> MapServer, but I have to be practical, so I have some questions that I
> thought some of you might be able to answer.  Steve Lime probably could
> address all of these, but perhaps others could help?
> 1)  Currently, MapServer is limited to 8 bit imagery.  The home page for
> GD says that full color image support will be available in version 2.0.
> How long will it take to incorporate that capability into MapServer?
> (And I'll have to ask the GD folks when 2.0 is coming...)
> 2) I'm currently working on a project to serve up imagery over the Web.
> I know that some of you have had success connecting MapServer to ArcSDE
> for vector data - are there any success stories or plans for future
> integration with raster data?  (I know ArcSDE is a little shaky on
> imagery, so I don't expect a lot now...)
> 3) What are the future plans for MapServer?  If the NASA funding dries
> up, or Steve Lime decides to retire, what happens?  Is anybody committed
> to picking up the lead if he goes away?
> That last question was not for me, but for my manager, who does not
> share my confidence in open-source software.
> Thanks!
> -Mike Hearne
> --
> Michael G. Hearne               email: Michael.Hearne at noaa.gov
> Coastal Remote Sensing                  phone: 843 740-1281
> TPMC/NOAA Coastal Services Center       fax:   843 740-1312
> 2234 S. Hobson Ave.,    Charleston, SC 29407

Rob Atkinson                     Email: rob at socialchange.net.au
Social Change Online                       Mob: 0419 202 973
Locked Bag 199                         Tel: +61 (0) 2 9692 5133
Annandale NSW 2038                     Fax: +61 (0) 2 9519 8940
Sydney, Australia       WWW: http://online.socialchange.net.au

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