future directions for mapserver

Marc Jacquin jacquin at geosys-inc.com
Sat Jan 6 01:45:26 EST 2001


I didn't want to make it public before some of our customers see that as prime time. But here is what can be done with MapServer and a lot of midnight oil. As usual I cannot release this stuff for free. We must decide what can be given back to the community.

Basically, the raster is JPEG (tricked with some gd improvements) and the green lines are roads built with very simple map files. The rest is proprietary. It has some features like quad-tree indexing ... very useful for snapping .. No doc, no help, just prototype.

It issues the big question : where is the standard to transfer vector data from server to client ? XML ? GML (not really appropriate).

Please be gentle with this poor PII450 with a 128 Kb line. Don't save too much. Saving the changes works. About sharing data ? Not with shape files for sure but with some DB like Frank (W) would like to set up. Next step.

Here is the url :

Expect loading about 120Kb of data at 128 kb if you are alone on the server. It takes some time with a 56 kb modem. It takes about 2 mn for first load. 


PS: comments are welcome

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
[mailto:owner-mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu]On Behalf Of Matt.Wilkie
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 2:44 PM
To: Michael.Hearne at noaa.gov; mapserverlist
Subject: RE: future directions for mapserver

Good questions Mike,

I have some of my own I would like to add:

Some of you may remember my earlier questions and summary 
about ArcIMS vs Mapserver:

There were two points brought up which were clearly in 
ArcIMS's favour which could not be easily addressed or 

1) Distributed servers and failover architecture: ArcIMS
is designed for a multiserver hosting environment, fetching
data from any server and passing it on to the browser, and
other related sercives/technologies.

2) Serving vector data as well as images:
Do note though that I did not find a site taking advantage
of this functionality though I was assured some do exist.

Now I know Mapserver and ArcIMS are answers to different
questions and solutions to different problems, they just
happen to share significant overlaps. What I'd like to
know is, is Mapserver content with it's current problem 
domain? (serving images of maps to browsers, displaying 
selected database records)

I'm particularily interested in using a Mapserver-like
interface/tool-set to serve data, not just pictures of
data. It would be a a year or two before our particular
shop could use or implement it, but I do see it as being
increasingly more important. Just like XML is becoming
more important (read: useful) than html.

The OGDI protocol addresses this, but there is not yet
an Open Source solution, or even a good closed source
client... anyway, that's a sidetrack at the moment.

I'm not asking Mapserver developers (ie: Stephen) to
tackle this montrous job. I would just like to know if 
this area has been thought about, and if the architecture
of Mapserver allows a "plugin" data server, should such 
a beast ever be developed, by UMN or anybody else.


Matt Wilkie * GIS Technician * Yukon Renewable Resources GIS

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