problems with ms_newClassObj

Dieter Lehmann lehmann at
Tue Jan 16 02:40:02 EST 2001

Hi Daniel,
thanks a lot, I got the nightly built and compiled them - now it is working.

I was using the 3.3.011 -Version (that is the most recent one on the web-site
instead of the nightly built ones.)

Thanks for the tip with the colors!


> Dieter Lehmann wrote:
> > 
> > Hi there,
> > I get stuck using mapscript/php3. With my attached code I get an "document
> > contains no data".
> > Think, something is wrong with the Class-definition.
> > (using only the map-file without the definitions of a class everything is o.k.).
> > 
> Dieter,
> I tried your script and .map file using PHP3 and recent versions (about
> 1 week old) of MapScript on Linux and Win98, and in both cases it passes
> the classes part, but returns the following error:
> Fatal error: MapServer Error in msDrawMap(): Image dimensions not
> specified. in ex1.phtml on line 16
> ... that's because your .map file is missing important parameters like
> EEXTENTS, SIZE, and a WEB object.
> However, I don't think that explains your crash... because "Document
> contains no data..." means that the server crashed without generating
> any output.  How old is your PHP/MapScript DLL (or .so) ?  It might be a
> good idea to get a more recent one... either compiling the latest
> nightly build on Unix, or if you're on Windows there is a recent
> precompiled PHP3_MAPSCRIPT.DLL that you can download at 
> BTW, setting colors the way you did in the classes would not give the
> expected results... the color parameter in a class object in a .map file
> is the RGB value, but in MapScript it is a color index obtained from
> addColor().  So the following lines in your script:
> > $poClass->set("color",255, 0, 0);
> > $poClass->set("outlinecolor",255,0,0);
> > 
> Should be replaced with:
>   $poClass->set("color", $map->addColor(255, 0, 0) );
>   $poClass->set("outlinecolor", $map->addColor(255, 0, 0) );
> Good Luck!
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>  Daniel Morissette                morissette at
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>   Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if 
>       you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

Dieter Lehmann 
University of applied Sciences
Schelmenwasen 4-8
D-72622 Nuertingen, Germany
lehmann at
Phone: +49 (0) 7022 404 Ext. 192 or Ext. 152
Fax: +49 (0) 7022 404 Ext. 166

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