Part 3 of the AIX problems (fwd)

teb at teb at
Thu Jan 18 09:46:01 EST 2001

Forwarded message:
> From peter.jacobs at Thu Jan 18 08:02:17 2001
> From: "Peter H.M. Jacobs" <peter.jacobs at>
> Reply-To: peter.jacobs at
> Organization: Javel b.v.
> Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 15:08:47 -0800
> X-Mailer: KMail [version 1.1.99]
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> To: mapserver-info at
> Subject: Part 3 of the AIX problems
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> Message-Id: <01011815084702.01857 at peter>
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> Dear Daniel and others,
> I've done excactly as you stated and experienced just the error as you 
> mentioned.
> First I installed the GNU-make. This indeed does not give any problems 
> concerning the standard Makefile. Everything compiled just fine after I 
> declared the Path to the perl directory where perl.exp is located. It seems 
> to result in the same file as with the AIX make (about 
> 140kB) 
> I still get the message (it does not seem to be a php library) so as you 
> stated I called nm ./ |grep get_modules . This method does 
> not seem to be there.
> I tried to change the Makefile and added -DCOMPILE_DL=1 statement to CC (it 
> was already declared in the CFLAGS). As expected this dit not solve the 
> problem. 
> Do you have any idea how I could get mapscript working or where I could check 
> the the .c files
> Regards
> Peter

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