user restrictions / tiles

Matthias Schulz schulz at
Mon Jan 22 00:57:00 PST 2001

Is there a way to define the data of a shapefile shown on the map by
using an attribute query? I want the user to log in and show only the
information he is allowed to see, i.e. setting a query definition to the
shapefile(s) with mapscript. Does anyone have an example for this?
For large datasets I assume it is faster to work with tiles, is that
correct? Can I combine working with defining the shown data by a query
as in point 1 and working with tiles?

Thanks a lot,


Matthias Schulz
GAF mbH   Arnulfstr. 197   80634 Muenchen   Germany
tel.: +49 (0)89 121528-28    fax: +49 (0)89 121528-79
mailto:schulz at         URL:

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