Register of who's doing what, and what's in the pipeline?

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Thu Jan 25 21:47:31 EST 2001

The function Robert mentions is part of the MapServer
CGI (mapext=shapes). Since MapScript essentially allows
you to rewrite the MapServer CGI program to meet your
own requirements that function needs to be written by
the user at the moment. We can add it to the "to-do" 
list for MapScript though.

Source developers, admittedly a small group at the
moment, keep in touch all the time. I'm assuming you're
refering to those building apps. The main way to not
reinvent the wheel is to use this list and POST the
applications you're working on.

I also hope that the MapServer documentation project
will minimize duplication. The project consists of the
main website documentation, and a proposed series of
"how-to" documents that would cover a wide variety of
topics from installation to specific java/javascript
tips and tricks. The UMN has recently hired a 
documention and user support specialist to help this effort. Stay tuned...

This list will continue to be an integral part of 
support and development so please use it!


>>> "Peter O'Regan" <petero at> 01/25/01 19:36 PM >>>
Hello from New Zealand everyone!

The function Robert has requested seems like an essential component for an 
online GIS.  For instance, it would enable address finding - where the user 
types in an address and the map is rendered and presented, highlighting the 
selected property. Very useful (and important). This signals a bigger issue 
for me.

I am a relative newcomer to MapServer and the OpenSource movement. While 
MapServer is impressive as it stands, I know there's a lot of good 
development work being done by many people.  There seems a large risk that 
effort may be beingduplicated.  Is there a register somewhere which 
identifies who's working on certain aspects of Mapserver, Mapscript etc, or 
forthcoming release notes?  How do we ensure wheels aren't being 

For instance, I would like to know what Java interfaces have been developed 
for Mapscript on Linux.  Where could I find this info?

I look forward to being part of the MapServer movement, and contributing to 
making online GIS affordable to the mainstream.


Peter O'Regan
Director, Resolution Consulting Limited
petero at
Phone 025 273 8298
Fax +64 7 856 0306
PO Box 7012, Hamilton East
New Zealand

Resolution Consulting -  turning data into strategic insight

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On Friday, 26 January 2001 03:24, Daniel Morissette 
[SMTP:morissette at] wrote:
> Robert Ofarrell wrote:
> >
> > At the moment I am toying with the querymap, and one thing that I would
> > like to do is to zoom to a result of a query.  Is this possible with
> > php-mapscript, and if so could you give me a brief description of how 
> > do it - or point me in the direction of some information which would 
> > please?
> >
> Robert,
> I haven't played much with querymaps and I'm not sure what's the best
> way to do what you ask, I don't think there is a direct way to "zoom to
> selected objects", but I may be wrong.
> I guess one possibility would be using the shapeFileObj to open your
> layer, and read the extent (getExtent(i)) of all selected objects... and
> then use that to set the map extent.  Requires a bit of coding, but that
> would work...
> Hopefully someone on the MapServer list will know a more straightforward
> method (using either Perl or PHP).
> Good Luck!
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------
>  Daniel Morissette                morissette at
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>   Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if
>       you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

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