PHP MapScript queries

Thorsten Fischer thfischer at
Wed Jan 31 09:50:29 PST 2001

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am trying to do a query on a map. The result is a segmentation fault in the
mapserver. Please show where to look for errors, maybe in my compiled mapserver.

I got a map file with a valid extent and a single layer:

name mmplz
status on
size 600 600
symbolset "symbols/newsym.sym"
extent <enter valid values here>
units meters
shapepath "data"
imagecolor 255 255 255

 name leger
 type polygon
 status on
 data plz
 classitem "plz5"
  symbol 2
  outlinecolor 0 0 0
  color 255 255 255

In php I write:

$map = ms_newMapObj ("");
$mylayer = $map -> getLayerByName ("leger");

which works fine. Then:

$qres = $mylayer -> queryUsingRect ($rect);

where $rect is a valid rectangle -- segfault.

MapServer was configured as follows:

./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-tiff=/usr --with-jpeg
--with-eppl --with-ttf --without-gif --with-gd=/opt/GIS --with-proj=/opt/GIS

php was configured as follows:

./configure --prefix=/usr/lib/apache --without-ttf --disable-debug
--with-mysql --enable-calendar --enable-dbase --without-zlib
--with-regex=system --with-gd=/opt/GIS --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs

Thanks in advance,



Thorsten Fischer          thfischer at

MapMedia - Kartographie und raumbezogene Informationssysteme
Am Borsigturm 42
13507 Berlin
Deutschland tel: +49 (0)30 43032102

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