PHP - query expression

Robert Ofarrell s371538 at
Wed Jan 31 20:33:10 PST 2001

> There is a queryObj class with a setExpression() method that you should
> be able to use.  However, I just realized that there is no way to access
> existing query objects inside a layer from MapScript... you can only
> create new ones.  This seems to be true with the Perl MapScript too, is
> that possible, Steve?
> Hummm... I guess this part of the code hasn't been used much before...
> What you could do until this is resolved is not include a QUERY object
> in your layer in the .map file, and instead create one in your script
> using $query=ms_newQueryObj($layer); ... and then you should be able to
> use setExpression() on the new object.

I don't fully understand how this is going to work.  How do I extract the
results from the newly created query?

Robert O'Farrell
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

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