[mapserver-users] compiling under windows makefile vc syntax error ?

Pericles S. Nacionales pnaciona at gis.umn.edu
Mon Jul 2 11:51:17 PDT 2001


All I did for that one is switch the "/" to "\" on the "copy
..." line.  This still won't work unless you also switch the slashes on
the GDAL_DIR somewhere else on that Makefile.  The problem with this is
that the DOS (or Windows) copy command uses the backslash (\) in
paths.  Nmake itself don't have that problem but system commands do.  For
uniformity's sake, you might want to switch all the path slashes to

Example Makefile.vc:
...(stuff omitted)

GDAL_DIR= ..\..\gdal
OGR_LIB = $(GDAL_DIR)/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/ogrsf_frmts.lib
$(GDAL_DIR)/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/ogrsf_frmts_sup.lib $(GDAL_DIR)/ogr/ogr.lib
OGR_INC = -I$(GDAL_DIR)/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I$(GDAL_DIR)/ogr

...(more stuff omitted)

$(MS_LIB):      $(MS_OBJS)
        copy $(GDAL_DIR)\gdal.pdb .
        lib /out:$(MS_LIB) $(MS_OBJS)

...(the rest of the stuff omitted)

Good luck!

On Mon, 2 Jul 2001, David Armstrong wrote:

> i am getting the following error when running the makefile.vc under windows
> 2k with visual studio  nmake command
> copy ./gdal-1.1.4/gdal.pdb .
> The syntax of the command is incorrect.
> the following is the offending lines in the makefile can anyone put some
> light on this
> $(MS_LIB): $(MS_OBJS)
> copy $(GDAL_DIR)/gdal.pdb .
> lib /out:$(MS_LIB) $(MS_OBJS)
> i can overcome this manually by copying the file across and commenting out
> the copy command , but i would like to correct this
> Regards to All
> Dave

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