[mapserver-users] Re: TAB files on mapserver 3.5

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Jul 5 10:32:19 PDT 2001

Richard Greenwood wrote:
> I've been playing with the ORG interface in ms 3.5. Needless to say that,
> as a MapInfo user, it is very exciting to be working with native tab files.
> Thanks for all of the work you have done on it. I have a couple questions:

BTW, we have 2 more OGR/TAB demos that will go live later today that
will demonstrate "PROJECTION AUTO" (yep, read the projection from the
TAB file) and the use of seamless TAB datasets, the MapInfo equivalent
of MapServer's tiled shapefiles.  

Lots of cool features for MapInfo users!  :)

> A single MapInfo layer may contain different types of objects. I have a
> layer that contains points and polygons. If I define the layer as "TYPE
> Polygon" I get the polygons as expected. If I define the layer as "TYPE
> Point" I get the error message: "ogrGeomPoints(): OGR error. OGRGeometry
> type `MULTIPOLYGON' not supported yet.". Ideally I would like to define the
> layer as "TYPE Multiple", or some such thing, so that it behaves as it does
> in MapInfo. Have you given this any consideration?

Yes, I'm aware of this issue, and there is a note about this in the
OGR-HOWTO warning you that if you do what you did then you'll get an

And yes, we're planning to do something about this... it will just not
be for the 3.5 release because I won't have time for sure.

> My other question is probably more of a MS 3.5 question, but do you know
> how to define an itemquery or an itemnquery? I've got query and nqueryr
> figured out, but when I do an itemquery, things really go haywire.

Hummm... dunno??? ... hopefully someone on the list can help you with

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
 DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/
  Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if 
      you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

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