[mapserver-users] getlayer

Vladimir Guzmán vguzman at bigfoot.com
Thu Jul 12 16:50:06 EDT 2001

Please, if someone can help me.
I've got an error when I try to get a layer object, it seems that the
first time i use the method it works fine, but the next time the object
map is kind of corrupted, so I get the error : 
"Fatal error:  Object has an invalid _handle_ property in
/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/mapserver/test_draw_map.phtml on line 47"
I'm working with php, and I have the same error in the example map gmap.
The only way I currently make it work is: every time i call getlayer() I
use the instruction:
$map = ms_newMapObj("demo.map");
But this is not the correct solution.

Thank you,

Vladimir G

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