[mapserver-users] ScaleHint

Stephen Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Thu Jul 19 15:23:41 EDT 2001

Depends on what you consider a service and a host. I have a host (http://maps.dnr.state.mn.us/cgi-bin/mapserv)
with 10 services available and the WMS stuff does a poor job with that type of a setup without wrappers or vendor
specific parameters. Certainly possible, even desireable for a host, any host, to be home to a number of services.

>>> Rob Atkinson <rob at socialchange.net.au> 07/19/01 02:12PM >>>

Actually if you work this through you reach the conclusion that the service is the URI , with qualifiers to
the right of the ? if required, and the host is irrelevant, which is exactly what is supported!


Stephen Lime wrote:

> So after all the discussion the current behavior is correct, correct? That is the map is generated but
> the layer will not appear if the scaling limits are violated. Performance issues abound if this is not the
> case so I don't know of an alternative.
> On the map "vendor specific" parameter I just wanted to add that I think OGC missed the boat by
> not being able to specify a particular service on a host other than using the root of the URL (i.e.
> left of the ?). It's going to be pretty common for sites to host multiple applications using the same
> engine, MapServer, ArcIMS or whatever and maintaining the wrapper scripts while simple is a
> bit of a pain. Being able to refer to the service (in our case using a mapfile name) would've been
> a nice addition to the spec.
> Steve
> Stephen Lime
> Internet Applications Analyst
> Minnesota DNR
> 500 Lafayette Road
> St. Paul, MN 55155
> 651-297-2937

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