[mapserver-users] MapScript Perl-CGI/Problems

Vinko Vrsalovic B. v at w.cl
Mon Jul 23 13:01:22 PDT 2001

> My perl script executes a print statement right in the beginning, so it is
> always printing some kind of output.

That's why I said: 'an error that prevents execution', for example
syntax errors.

> When I rum the script from the command line, I get a seg fault. If I take
> out the mapscript code, then it works fine.

I just tested your script with a map file of my own and it worked, so
the problem may be:

1.- Your map file
2.- Permissions of the file or the directory
2.5.- The header of the file (ie #!/usr/bin/perl missing)
3.- Your GD library (does it allow to generate gif's? may be you should try
with png's if you're not sure)
4.- A very particular conflict of your configuration :) 

Good luck,
V. <v at w.cl>

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