[mapserver-users] Correct Fonts.list syntax

Mark Abernathy WMABERN at gwm.sc.edu
Wed Jul 25 06:25:40 PDT 2001

I'm trying to be able to use truetype fonts on my map server as symbols and in the legend. I have been unable to get the truetype fonts to work. I have followed all the examples and instructions on this I can find. I'm using win 2000 and IIS5. Map Serv 3.4. I have the lines in the .map file etc... Maybe I am using the wrong syntax/layout/format for the fonts.list file.  I have tried all the examples of this file I can find. If anyone could send me a working version of fonts.list, I would REALLY appreciate it!
wmabern at gwm.sc.edu

Here is the begining of my map file. The map server works without the " " on the path and the leading forward slashes. It doesn't work with them.

# Start of map file
SIZE 600 600

SYMBOLSET symbols/symbols_ms34.sym
FONTSET AeroFonts/fonts.list
Thanks.  Mark

William M. Abernathy
I2Media Group
Computer Services
University of South Carolina
wmabern at gwm.sc.edu

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