[mapserver-users] Improved Documentation

David Graham dgraham at i3.com
Wed Jul 25 06:33:25 PDT 2001

.d.z.a. wrote:

>>> MapServer is not just a success, it is a raving success.
>>   I'm new to the Mapserver community. I would agree with this statement
>> from
>> a *technical* point of view, but strongly disagree from an
>> approchability
>> point of view. There are virtually NO examples of how to create maps, do
> I wrote the above, and I stand by what I wrote, and yet, I
> whole-heartedly agree with what you write.
> I too am frustrated, with my regular web mapping solution, as well as
> with Mapserver's lack of docs and examples. I waste immense number of
> hours trying to solve something that has been documented wrong, or not
> documented at all. Or, the syntax for classes and methods is there, but
> no real example to wrap my hands around...

I would say that the Mapserver website could realy use the DocNote 
system.  It is a system by which users can add comments to improve 
documentation that is posted on a web page.

Postgres Database uses this method to update it's manual.  It allows 
users to input corrections immediately as they find them and then every 
so often the comments get rolled back into the documentation by an 
editor.  Here is an example:


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