[mapserver-users] shapefiles format

Puneet Kishor pkishor at GeoAnalytics.com
Fri Jul 27 13:59:53 PDT 2001

Hi Chan,

> What format are the shapefiles compatible for
> mapserver?  I've downloaded the demo and it works
> great on my NT server.  I saw the shapefiles data in
> the folder /data that is in triplet set 
> shp
> shx
> dbf

not sure what you mean... shapefiles are shapefiles, a format established by

> for the world map.  However, the system could load
> those file.  When I execute the program, there's image
> files created in temp folder but no image content. 
> I'm afraid mapserver could not read my shapefile
> format in order to produce an image like Minnesota
> demo.

if you think something is the matter with your shapefiles try opening them
with ArcView. If the shapefiles are fine then there is likely something
wrong with your map file.

> Also, what is the units used for 
> EXTEND command 
> I thought that should be latitude and longitude?  But
> it's 5 digit #.  What unit format is that?  How can I
> specify the EXTEND limit for the worldmap?

I think you are referring to the EXTENT keyword. This is the minx, miny,
maxx, maxy extent of the map, typically a rectangle within which your entire
map is comfortably contained. The units are in map units... what units that
the shapefiles were produced in... lat long, decimal degrees, feet, state
plane, etc.

Again, the easiest way I know to find the extent of a shapefile is to open
it in ArcView, draw a rectangle so it completely contains your map, select
the rectangle and right-click with your mouse... choose properties and you
will see the coords for the rect. Use that.


Puneet Kishor 
pkishor at geoanalytics.com

GeoAnalyics, Inc.
1716 Fordem Ave
Madison WI 53704 

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