humboldt bay onlinegis almost ready

Manfred Meier m.meier at
Sat Mar 3 00:39:56 EST 2001

I'm a newcomer to mapserver too. So I'm looking continously into this list.
The actual problem I do not understand: What rectangle is meant? The black one around the whole reference map which upper left corner is missing, or the little blue one which marks the zoomed part of the map. This blue one is complete on my browser.
Thank you

Manfred Meier

Stephen Lime schrieb:

> There's no way to make it thicker. The reason it's a partial box is that the "real" reference image
> is far larger (in netscape right click on it and open the image in another window to see what I
> mean) and due to resampling to the smaller size you're loosing pixels. The solution is to make
> your base reference map the size you want for output to start with.
> Steve
> Stephen Lime
> Internet Applications Analyst
> Minnesota DNR
> 500 Lafayette Road
> St. Paul, MN 55155
> 651-297-2937
> >>> "Jason R. Patton" <jrpatton at> 03/02/01 12:40PM >>>
> greetings all,
> i will be "releasing" the humboldt bay gis web site soon. i do have a
> few problems i am ironing out:
> 1. the reference map on the following page does not show a complete
> rectangle. is there a way to make the line thicker? (i am a very basic
> user, so i hope thgis is a simple fix)
> if this link does not work, try (a) going to
> (b) clicking on "onlineGIS" on the left
> (c) selecting "zoom in x times"
> (d) click on the map
> (e) notice the box in the reference map
> 2. i don't think i have any other technical questions at this point.
> thanks , jay

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