What's wrong?

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Mar 6 14:27:14 EST 2001

aborruso at spaziogis.it wrote:
> I am able to create  .shp file and .shx file, but not dbf. When I try to
> open this shapefile I have an error messagge.
> This is my code:
> $newshapefile=ms_newShapefileObj("try",MS_SHP_ARC);
> $newline=ms_newLineObj();
> $newline->addXY(2420000,4200000);
> $newline->addXY(2440000,4230000);
> $newline->addXY(2460000,4245000);
> $newline->addXY(2480000,4260000);
> $newshape=ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHP_ARC);
> $newshape->add($newline);
> $newshapefile->addShape($newshape);
> $newshapefile->free();
> What's wrong?

The shapeFileObj takes care only of the .SHP/.SHX files.  You are
responsible of creating the DBF file and adding the records to it.  
See mapserver/mapscript/php3/test_writeshape.phtml in the MapServer
source distribution for an example.

 Daniel Morissette                morissette at dmsolutions.ca
  Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if 
      you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

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