advantaje using Expressiones

bertha amalia serrato de la cruz bertha_bonita at
Wed Mar 7 14:48:34 EST 2001

i have a problem

when i want to use an expreesiones like a 
EXPRESSION ('[PERIODO]' eq '^Paleogeno$') Don't Work

EXPRESSION ('[PERIODO]' eq  'Paleogeno') work but no
correctly because give me Paleogeno and all the word
ending wtih "geno"

EXPRESSION ('^Paleogeno$')   don't work

i don't know how can i resolve this problem, i'm
getting worried about it.

Which are the advantages using expressions????

    Lic. Ciencias Computacionales Bertha A. Serrato
    bserrato at
    CICESE,División de Ciencias de la Tierra.
    Ensenada, B.C.

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