Mapserver + Flash?

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Fri Mar 16 11:26:43 EST 2001

I've used flash buttons to control things but never wrapped everything. Because flash has
excellent javascript integration I would think you could take the client-side mapserver javascript
library I've already written and call it from flash. You can see that in action with a java frontend
at All that would really have to be new in flash besides buttons
and such is the rubber-band box drawing. I don't think you'd even need mapscript although you
could use custom backends to produce images or queries. Neat idea anyway.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> Nathan Gasser <gasser at> 03/15/01 11:10PM >>>

Hi all,

Has anyone tried a Flash interface to MapServer?  It seems
like you could do great things on the client side with
rollovers and smooth animated scrolling and so forth.

I know there's a Perl::Flash module, and combined
with MapScript, maybe something could be done?

Just curious,

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