Zooom/Pan interface using gif images rather than radio buttons

Frank Koormann frank.koormann at intevation.de
Thu Mar 22 03:13:20 EST 2001

Nyon, Listers,

* Nyon (ycnyon at pd.jaring.my) [010321 01:59]:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if anyone can share how to navigate a map using gif
> images for the zoom/pan/search/recenter interface rather than using
> radio buttons and drop-down list box.  Already check out some
> examples, either they are using java applets or the javascript is
> working in IE.

If you want to avoid java/javascript I think the only further option is
to use mapscript: The mapserver cgi (and i think this is ok) is bound 
to the concept illustrated by the demo.

Using mapscript you could use
a) a couple of forms with <input type=image ... >
b) prepare full url strings for each image (like 
    <a href="http://mapserver.example.site/cgi-bin/mapserv?mode=browse&layer=lakes&layer=streams&zoomdir=1&zoomsize=2&imgxy=299.5+199.5 .....><img src= ...



Frank Koormann                              http://intevation.net/~frank/
 Professional Service around Free Software         http://intevation.net/
 FreeGIS Project                                   http://freegis.org/

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