GD 2.0 on the horizon

Michael Kleih michael.kleih at
Wed Mar 28 04:04:03 EST 2001

Robert Chavez wrote:

> gd 2.0 is coming! Expect a beta release of gd 2.0 around March 20th, 2001.
> gd 2.0 features extensive support for true color images ("millions of
> colors"), which allows the reading and writing of truecolor PNG and JPEG
> images with drastically better results. Alpha channel blending is also
> supported, both within the gd drawing engine itself and in the final
> output image. Also, gd 2.0 is built as a shared library. Final
> fixes and documentation changes will be made next week after I return from
> vacation. -Tom Boutell

Only, what is really a pitty, it continues not to support any more GIF,
the most common image format on the Internet...


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