[mapserver-users] tmp files deletion Unix

Ballard,Lowell LBallard at YesVirginia.org
Tue May 15 08:57:54 EDT 2001

For *nix you can place this text below into a file and add it to your
crontab file.  I have put it in a file called cleanimg and stuck that file
in /etc/cron.hourly on my Linux box.  It will, on the hour, nuke files that
are more than 5 minutes old.  It's a variation of what exists on the
Mapserver site.
** Please note, mine is set up to nuke everything in the
/home/httpd/html/tmp directory so BE CAREFUL (i.e. *.*).
----cut here----
find /home/httpd/html/tmp -name "*.*" -type f -cmin +5 -exec rm -f {} \;
----cut here----
Lowell Ballard
Unix/Database Administrator
Virginia Economic Development Partnership
901 E. Byrd St., Richmond, Va. 23218
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