[mapserver-users] Mapserver and PWS

Lars-goran Edholm Lars-goran.Edholm at sandviken.se
Mon May 21 23:22:05 PDT 2001

I'm running Mapserver on PWS on Windows 95 and Windows 98 .
In the beginning i also had some problems before i got it to work.
When i look at your map-file i notice an errors like this:

SHADESET symbols\shade.sym
MARKERSET symbols\marker.sym
LINESET symbols\line.sym 
should be
SHADESET "symbols/shade.sym"
MARKERSET "symbols/marker.sym"
LINESET "symbols/line.sym" 

IMAGEPATH "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\tmp\" 
should be
IMAGEPATH "C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/tmp/" 

and so on

Yoy have to change \ to / and use quotes ".

Hope that this vill help you.
Write me a line if you don't get it to work.

Lars-Göran Edholm    tel 026/24 14 36
1:e byggnadsinspektör
Bygg- och miljökontoret
811 80 Sandviken
lars-goran.edholm at sandviken.se

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