[mapserver-users] Mapserver Search and Point Info

Geografía y Electrónica, SA de CV geografia at infosel.net.mx
Wed May 23 20:34:32 EDT 2001

Hi everybody.  

I just downloaded the example for mapserver, and I have a few issues. Can
anybody answer these?

1.- I'll looking for an example for mapserver 3.4, with a 'Search'
implementation (a string is given, and the map moves and zooms to the
location of that item on the map.)

2.- Info window is ok for lines and regions, since it calculates the
extents of the info window based on highlighted items. But for points, I
get a blank info window with part of the point's .gif on a corner, I think
that's because the extents are very small.  How can I tell it to use a
fixed zoom level, for that layer?

3.- I've noticed that every time a request is sent to mapserv, it reads the
demo.map file again and again, allowing an updated file to be used, in case
anything changes.  But this is a time consuming process.  Can it be
skipped, so the file gets read once while launching/initializing, and not
again for the session?

Thanks a lot for your reply.

       Ing. Juan Pufleau C.
Geografía y Electrónica, SA de CV
      Aguascalientes, Mexico

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