[mapserver-users] querymaps

Woody Wallace wgwallace at students.wisc.edu
Fri May 25 17:25:35 EDT 2001

Hi.  I still have a few questions regarding querymaps.  The most important of which follows. The rest were asked previously.

In querymap mode, mapserv returns an image.  In nquerymap mode, mapserv creates a temporary png file and then expects a template.  In nquerymap mode I receive this error:

Content-type: text/html returnHTML(): Web application error. Malformed template name.

Which is, presumably, because it is expecting a template.  Why doesn't it act like querymap?  Will it in the future?

Here is the query I was using for the querymap request:

Here is the url to my .map file:

Thanks again.

Woody Wallace
Wisconsin State Cartographer's Office

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