[mapserver-users] Preparing tif images

Ed McNierney ed at topozone.com
Wed Nov 7 11:30:18 PST 2001

Tim -

If you have a 24-bit image and you load it into Photoshop, you can use
the Image/Mode/Indexed Color (be sure the "8 Bits per Channel" setting
is checked on the Image/Mode menu) to convert it to an 8-bit palette
image.  You have some options there about how to map the
more-than-256-color image's colors.

What sort of georeference information do you have?  If you have ESRI
World Files, that's fine.  Photoshop will not save all the GeoTIFF tags
if your image is a GeoTIFF image, so you'll need to save and reapply

If you'd like to email me an image and georeference data I'd be happy to
take a look at it.

	- Ed

Ed McNierney
Chief Mapmaker
ed at topozone.com
(978) 251-4242

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Sutton [mailto:sutton_t at giug.net]
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 8:17 AM
To: MapServer Mailing List
Subject: [mapserver-users] Preparing tif images


Can anyone point me to more detailed documentation on preparing images
for use as raster layers? I have an image georeferenced and saved in
    both jpg and tif format. I see you need to convert to use 8bit
    pallette, but the tools I have available (photoshop 5.5,
    paintshop) don't seem to have an option. I also have the GIMP. I
    had a look through the archives and could not find what I am
    looking for.



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