[mapserver-users] Screen Resolution Woes...

Puneet Kishor pkishor at GeoAnalytics.com
Fri Nov 16 11:44:36 EST 2001

Here's what I do...

Create three presets (small, medium, large for the geek challenged) designed
for 600, 800, and larger monitors. Keep the aspect ratio same for all, set
an application width accordingly. Default to medium, and give an option to
the user to reset the size. Store the user's choice on the user's computer
using a cookie.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hankley, Chip [mailto:Chip.Hankley at GASAI.Com]
> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 9:54 AM
> To: MapServer List (E-mail)
> Subject: [mapserver-users] Screen Resolution Woes...
> I'm really in my first year of creating dynamic web sites... 
> so this is
> pretty basic.
> I keep running into issues with screen resolution on target machines.
> I go through the whole process of making a really great ;) MapServer
> application, designing it on my box (@ 1280 x 1024), then 
> realize that half
> my audience is running 640 x 480. I'm mostly designing my 
> apps for in-house
> clients now... but am on the cusp of putting things on the 
> web - I can only
> imagine this problem will be compounded then.
> What I've been experimenting with is using JavaScript to detect the
> available screen real-estate, then building the interface 
> based on those
> numbers (I'm using PHP with MapScript). This works OK, but seems quite
> cumbersome. What is really frustrating to me is that the 
> width / height
> ratio doesn't seem to remain the same as screen resolution 
> setting change -
> so simply shrinking / expanding the interface in a linear 
> fashion doesn't
> work very well. I like the idea of having the application be 
> automatically
> sized appropriately based on what's available (i.e. NOT 
> having a "click here
> to increase / decrease the size).
> How do other people deal with this?

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