[mapserver-users] MapServer Visual C++ 6.0 Project Workspace.

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Sat Nov 17 11:43:46 EST 2001

DebasishS at riskinc.com wrote:
> Has anbody tried compiling Mapserver 3.5 using Visual C++ 6.0 . Can you
> please provide me with the workspace file.
> Am getting the following error when i try to compile

The source distribution contains the VC++ Makefiles (makefile.vc) that
we use to compile MapServer on Windows... see the file README.WIN32 for
the details.  There is no project Workspace available officially for
sure... unless someone on the list has built one for their own needs.

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
 DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/
  Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if 
      you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

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