[mapserver-users] How do I determine the direction of a line or polyline with Shape lib?

Greg Mader gmader at GeoAnalytics.com
Sun Nov 18 09:44:52 PST 2001

Hi Frank and list,

I am sorry that this is a little off topic, but I am working on my
simple(primitive?) geocoder program, that hopefully will be useful to
Mapserver users.  How do I determine the directionality of a line or
polyline with shapelib?  Is directionality controlled by the order of the
nodes, and thus the direction that a line was digitized?  Is there some
attribute that I am unaware of from the documentation that shows
directionality?  When one assigns an address to a line in arcview, it is
usually in the form of "from address, to address", but this still implies
that directionality is known.  

I suppose that I could always derive directionality by looking at adjoining
line elements, but this would be potentially wrong in a lot of cases.


Greg Mader
GIS analyst, and CompSci student.
Chicago, IL

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