[mapserver-users] experience with shptree

Stephen Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Tue Nov 20 09:34:18 PST 2001

How old is the version of the code you have. I fixed a bug in the shptree code about 2 weeks ago and it should work ok, at least it has for me. There's nothing you need to do to in the mapfile.


Stephen Lime
Data & Applications Manager

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> "Dreesmann, Michael" <Michael.Dreesmann at LVERMAP.brandenburg.de> 11/20/01 09:12AM >>>

has any one experience with shptree ?

I use it on WinNT with a polygon shape (50 MByte).
I started it with shptree f001 10
shptree said	creating index of old native format
and creates a	f001.qix
but it seems to run in an endless loop.

After finnishing (if it works), must I update the mapfile ?
How faster is the presentation ?


Landesvermessungsamt Brandenburg, Technische Stellen ALB/ALK
E-Mail : Michael.Dreesmann at LVermAP.brandenburg.de 
Post   : 14473 Potsdam, Heinrich-Mann-Allee 103

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