[mapserver-users] Projection EPSG code for LCC in mapserv 3.5

ronaldo castro castro at recife.pe.gov.br
Thu Nov 22 04:41:09 EST 2001


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Trem Stamp wrote:

> Hi, Does anyone know if there is an EPSG code for LCC projection
> information?  I seem to remember looking last time and couldn't fine
> one so had to use the following type of syntax:   PROJECTION
>   "proj=lcc"
>   "ellps=aust_SA"
>   "lat_0=-32.5"
>   "lon_0=147.0"
>   "lat_1=-29.5"
>   "lat_2=-36.5"
>   END If there is no EPSG code for this currently, does anyone know if
> there is likely to be in the near future? Cheers, Trem
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