[mapserver-users] creating features in PHP mapscript

Nicolau Werneck nwerneck at yahoo.com.br
Fri Nov 23 14:29:58 EST 2001

Hi. The following program: 

$map = ms_newMapObj("tmapa.map");
$lyr = $map->getLayer(0);

makes PHP execute an illegal operation, e get closed.
Then I got a "this program didn't returned a valid
full set of HTTP headers", or something like that.

The problem seems to reside on the getLayer
function... It also happens when I try to create a new
layer ($lyr = ms_newLayerObj($map)  )

Can this be due an incorrect installation?

I have already successfully used a program I made just
to pan by the map. Now I'm trying to define new point
features on the map...



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