[mapserver-users] defining classes with PHP/MapScript

Nicolau Werneck nwerneck at yahoo.com.br
Mon Nov 26 14:06:44 EST 2001

I'm trying to define a class with PHP/MapScript But
it's not working. I Can color Camboja from the Map
file, but Brasil doesn't get to it... What can it be!?



$map = ms_newMapObj("tmapa.map");
$cla = ms_newClassObj($map->getLayer(2));
$cla->set("color", "255 255 255");
$mapimg = $map->draw();

        LAYER NAME empresas DATA MapaMundi TYPE
polygon STATUS default
                CLASSITEM 'NOMEPAIS'
                 CLASS EXPRESSION 'Camboja' COLOR 255
255 255 END

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