[mapserver-users] PHP<->ShpTree...weird problem

Hankley, Chip Chip.Hankley at GASAI.Com
Wed Nov 28 10:42:22 EST 2001

I'm running Win2K, IIS, PHP 4.06 and MS3.5.

I have a mapfile that has a large shapefile as one of it's layers.
Originally, I was using several (about 20) tiled shapefiles... then decided
to try to combine them into one large file and use shptree to create a
spatial index.

After replacing the 20 different layers in the mapfile with the one layer,
may application started bombing whenever I tried to display this layer. I'm
getting a Windows (Dr. Watson) error (access violations).

What's really wierd is if I read the same map file using CGI MapServer OR
even a different PHP interface (same version, just a different page), it
works (ie no error and it displays).

I know this is a long shot, but anyone have any ideas about what could cause
behavior like this? I've spent some time error checking to no avail...

Chip Hankley

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