[mapserver-users] Webserver Wierdness

Tim Sutton sutton_t at giug.net
Fri Nov 30 04:41:16 EST 2001


Many thanks Daniel & others who contributed suggestions. I finally
worked out how to run php as a cgi (it was stupidly simple actually).
My mapserver now runs beautifully. I am really impressed by its
performance. As a casual benchmark, ms renders on a p200, 128mb rh7.2
approximately twice as fast as arcview can render the same scene on a
dual p400 with 256mb ram !!!!! It really flies!

Also, a quick apology...in my original post I wrote:

> > To see the problem (and some funky stuff I bet you never thought you
> > could do under linux) visit the site at:

Obviously I was referring to mapserver here, and the above bit of text
was a cut 'n paste error not intended for this list (I had posted the
same query to the lunix users group I belong to). I am sure mapserver
users need no telling how brilliant this software is....


On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, Daniel Morissette wrote:

> Tim,
> We have experienced similar problems on one of our servers, and others
> have as well, see http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=66
> If you use 'top' at the Linux prompt, you might notice a number of httpd
> processes at the top of the list which are using all the CPU time.  The
> "document contains no data" errors that you get in your browsers are
> likely coming from httpd threads that crashed (are you sure you didn't
> notice any segmentation fault in your error_log?).  It seems that recent
> versions of PHP MapScript get into an infinite loop or something when
> PHP is used as an Apache module on RH7.x. Quite possibly a memory
> corruption problem in MapScript that appears only after the same httpd
> process has been used for several hits.
> The only way around the problem that I know for now is to configure your
> PHP as a CGI, and then a new PHP process will be started for each
> request and you won't notice this problem any more.
> Daniel
> Tim Sutton wrote:
> > 
> > Hi all
> > 
> > I am running apache and php and am having some strange problems. The
> > server runs fine most of the time, but randomly page requests return
> > 'page not found' errors on $IE, 'connection to host www.wrcgis.co.uk
> > broken' and under mozilla the page just locks.
> > 
> > I am running the site as a virtual host on a trimmed down RH7.2
> > server. Ialso have bastille installed on the box using mostly default
> > settings from the latter.
> > 
> > To see the problem (and some funky stuff I bet you never thought you
> > could do under linux) visit the site at:
> > 
> > http://www.wrcgis.co.uk/webmap/ms_europe/
> > 
> > Zoom in and pan around the map a while and sooner or later the problem
> > occurs. I have looked in the error logs for the site and nothing shows
> > up there (I have separate error logs for each virt domain).
> > 
> > My config for the virt domain looks like this:
> > 
> > <VirtualHost *>
> >    ServerAdmin sutton_t at giug.net
> >    DocumentRoot /var/www/wrcgis_root
> >    ServerName wrcgis.co.uk
> >    ErrorLog logs/wrcgis-error_log
> >    CustomLog logs/wrcgis-access_log combined
> >    AccessFileName .htaccess
> > </VirtualHost>
> > 
> > Any pearls of wisdom on how to track down and dispose of this error
> > will be greatly appreciated.
> > 
> > Cheers
> > 
> > --
> > -----------------------------------------------------
> > Tim Sutton                          WRc plc
> > Consultant, GIS Solutions Group     Frankland Road
> > Direct line:  +44 (0) 1793 865056   Blagrove
> > Switchboard:  +44 (0) 1793 865000   Swindon
> > Fax:          +44 (0) 1793 865001   Wiltshire SN5 8YF
> >                                     United Kingdom
> > 
> > WRc - Solutions for Water, Waste and the Environment
> > -----------------------------------------------------

Tim Sutton                          WRc plc
Consultant, GIS Solutions Group     Frankland Road
Direct line:  +44 (0) 1793 865056   Blagrove
Switchboard:  +44 (0) 1793 865000   Swindon
Fax:          +44 (0) 1793 865001   Wiltshire SN5 8YF
                                    United Kingdom

WRc - Solutions for Water, Waste and the Environment

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