[mapserver-users] HTML fragments and #

Stephen Lime sdlime at mninter.net
Mon Oct 1 15:10:38 EDT 2001

I'll have to check on the # sign. The quotes should take precedence since the
always tries for the longest match. If it were being treated as a comment I
think you'd get an error loading the mapfile because of an unmatched double

The replacement isn't happening because the case is wrong for the
Shapefile attributes are always all upper case, so use [SECTION] instead.


Richard Greenwood wrote:

> I have an HTML document that I wish to use as a template in a query. It is
> divided into 13 fragments. Normally I would address it as
> "document.html#section_5"  to position the document to the Section 5
> fragment. In my .map I'd like to do something like:
>      TEMPLATE "document.html#[section]"
> Where [section] gets replaced with appropriate section number from the .dbf
> based on which polygon the user selected.
> But I have two problems:
> 1. The # gets parsed by mapserver as a comment.
> 2. [section] doesn't get replaced.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Rich
> Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
> Greenwood Mapping, Inc.
> Rich at GreenwoodMap.com
> (307) 733-0203
> http://www.GreenwoodMap.com

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