[mapserver-users] Anyone have a shapefile?

Janet Ciavarelli Jciavarelli at city.kamloops.bc.ca
Fri Oct 12 14:08:49 PDT 2001

Anyone have a shapefile they created using mapscript that they could send me so I can see if it opens up in ArcMap 8.1? I just want to see if it's just my mapscript routine that creates these shapefiles that won't open in ArcMap 8.1 (but do open in ArcView 3.2). 


P.S. Turns out adding a .prj does not cure the problem.

Janet Ciavarelli
GIS Programmer/Analyst
City of Kamloops, BC
(250) 828-3393
jciavarelli at city.kamloops.bc.ca

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