[mapserver-users] postgis/mapserver - interface

gispmpf at zipmail.com.br gispmpf at zipmail.com.br
Sat Oct 13 12:14:31 PDT 2001

First , i want to thank you all for the patience on respond all my newbie
and here is another...
Can i create a layer in the mapfile which connect a postgis database where
point are declared. I want to draw this points in a polygon which is the
first layer show in the web browser.Something like this:

 __________                         ___________
'          '        ___________    '           '
'          '                       '__________ '   
'          '        ___________    '           ' 
'          '                       '__________ '
'          '        (postgis line) '           '
 ----------                         ----------- 
(shpfile)                        (result in the web browser)

Can i do it using only the mapfile?
Can i do it using the mapfile described below?
Can i use symbol 0 to draw this lines?
All this can work?

>You can use postgres without using a scripting language. I think
>Lowell was suggesting testing the map file using the scripting >language.
>Stephen Lime
>Data & Applications Manager

>Minnesota DNR
>500 Lafayette Road
>St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> <gispmpf at zipmail.com.br> 10/11/01 03:14PM >>>
Ok , but what I'm asking is if i can do it only using mapserver and its
".map" file and a database with postgis. 
I want to read the points of the line in the postgis table and create a
layer with it as in the mapfile and show this points.
Do I have to use a script language to do it?
Can a do it only using the mapfile?

> There should be syntax in the programming/scripting
> language your using to turn the Postgre "trace"
> function on. In perl the syntax is "$dbh->trace(2);"
> where $dbh is an already declared database
> handle/connection. The trace will in turn place
> information regarding your database connection (if
> there is one) in the web server log file. In apache on
> RedHat the log is usually "/var/log/httpd/error_log".
> Hope that helps.
> Lowell Filak

 --- gispmpf at zipmail.com.br wrote:
 > Hello,
 > I have another questio about mapserver/postgis
 > interface...
 > i have adapted the following script for mapserver:
 > NAME 'Roads' 
 > CONNECTION "user=postgres dbname=teste
 > host=localhost"
 > DATA "linha from teste"
 > FILTER "id = 1"
 > EXPRESSION ([id]=1)
 > COLOR 255 22 22 
 > SIZE 2
 > END
 > # All the rest are darker and only 1 pixel wide
 > EXPRESSION ([id]>1)
 > COLOR 205 92 82 
 > END
 > END
 > my intention is to draw the lines of this database
 > in a web browser
 > but i dont have any results with it
 > How can i know if this script is realy conecting
 > with the postgis database?
 > and if it is ... how can i see what is wrong?
 > Thanks
 > João.


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