[mapserver-users] demo problem cont...

P.Harrer pharrer at idmail.com
Mon Oct 15 04:22:40 EDT 2001

Hmmm... Tried to correct the problem using your advice, but it still doesn't
work. I've set the Internet Guest Account to read and write access (in the
security dialog box) and tried different permissions too, but I still get
the msSaveImage error message...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed McNierney" <ed at topozone.com>
To: "P.Harrer" <pharrer at idmail.com>; "Mapserver List"
<mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2001 4:40 PM
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] demo problem cont...

> Pete -
> This is usually due to the anonymous Web user account not having Write
> access to that directory.  You need to use the Windows Explorer or
> similar tool to make sure the IUSR_<machinename> (the anonymous Web user
> account) has Write access.
>     - Ed
> Ed McNierney
> Chief Mapmaker
> TopoZone.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: P.Harrer [mailto:pharrer at idmail.com]
> Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2001 4:02 PM
> To: Mapserver List
> Subject: [mapserver-users] demo problem cont...
> Hello.
> It seems that I can only get the demo to work when I first open the ms
> exlporer browser from the Personal Web Manager.
> When I open (from PWS) my local alias, then type in the rest of the URL
> to the demo_init.html file, the demo works. If I just open the browser
> from the desktop, then type in the url to the demo_init. html file, the
> following message is returned:
> msSaveImage(): Unable to access file.
> (C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\tmp\DEMO10030896621376.gif)
> Any clues as to why this might be?
> -Pete

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