[mapserver-users] Split large tiffs (topos) like TopoZone

kenboss kenboss at dilbert.dnr.state.mn.us
Thu Oct 18 16:49:10 EDT 2001

Right, you'd lose the georeferencing with the ImageMagick approach.  If you're a 
programmer, it shouldn't be too hard to do using one of the GDAL APIs (C, C++, 
or Python).  If you're only a wannabe programmer like myself, you might still be 
able to hack one of the apps distributed with GDAL (such as gdal_translate) to 
get what you need.  See http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/

Ken Boss                                
Digital Image Analysis / Web Stuff       Forestry Resource Assessment
kenboss at dilbert.dnr.state.mn.us          Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources
Voice: 218 327 4449 ext. 237             413 SE 13th Street                 
Fax:   218 327 4517                      Grand Rapids, MN  55744          USA

> Yes, but what about the world file(.twf)?
> - John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen Woodbridge [mailto:woodbri at mediaone.net]
> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 4:21 PM
> To: Arthur, John
> Cc: Mapserver-Users at Lists. Gis. Umn. Edu (E-mail)
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Split large tiffs (topos) like TopoZone
> I believe you could do that with ImageMagick and Perl to automate it.
> You should be able to chop up each of your large maps into n x m tiles.
> -Stephen Woodbridge
>  http://web-maps.org
> "Arthur, John" wrote:
> > 
> > I would like to use topo quads in my MapServer, but it would take forever
> to
> > export each quad from Delorme's 3D topoquads. So I exported large 150 mb
> > files instead.  Is there a way to split these up into smaller files or
> just
> > to display the large tiff in MapServer faster.  We would like something
> like
> > what TopoZone.com has (Mad props to you guys @ TopoZone.com), but layer
> our
> > own data on top.
> > 
> > John Arthur
> > RF Technician
> > Office:   (757) 490-7221
> > Cellular: (757) 692-1515
> > Email: john.arthur at voicestream.com
> > _~-^-~_
> > VoiceStream
> > W I R E L E S S

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