[mapserver-users] mapscript: reusing mapObj (for FastCGI)

Andrey Pilipetz pilya at asd.kiev.ua
Mon Oct 22 04:24:34 PDT 2001


I tried to use tcl Mapscript 3.5 to create FastCGI Server.
I think it is not problem with tcl but with Mapcript at all.
I have some problems when opening map file twice.
When studeing the problem, I'v the next result:

> uname -a
SunOS ultra 5.8 Generic_108528-05 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-60
> tclsh
% load /usr/local/lib/libmstcl.so
invalid command name "ms_error_get"
% set map [ms::new_mapObj "alex_big.map"]
% ms::msSaveImage [ms::mapObj_draw $map] "1.png" 1 0 1 75
% set map1 [ms::new_mapObj "alex_small.map"]
% ms::delete_mapObj $map
% set map1 [ms::new_mapObj "alex_small.map"]

Does anybody know something about What is going on?
Or may be I do something wrong? 

(To Tom Poindexter:
 I have patched mapscript to use "ms" instead of long "mapscript"
 namespace, and libmstcl.so (like libpgtcl.so) as a library name. I use
 native tcl interface without object wrapper.
 It would be nice have this changes in next version of tcl

Andrey S. Pilipetz

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