[mapserver-users] Some way to "#include" a map file? (fwd)

teb teb at mallit.fr.umn.edu
Tue Oct 23 07:43:21 PDT 2001

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Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 17:04:48 -0700
From: Scott Phillips <scott at esrp.csustan.edu>
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To: mapserver-info at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: Some way to "#include" a map file?
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Is there a way to include a map file inside of another map file?
For example, if I  have small peices of map files for different
themes, I'd like to put them put them together something like:

name myname
status on

And have the contents of the smaller map files show up as if
they are part of the overall map file.  It would help break
up the map files into chunks for different projets.

I've looked around, but haven't seen a way to do this.  Am I
missing something, or would I have to get creative to do this?


Scott Phillips
scott at esrp.csustan.edu

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