[mapserver-users] MapServer and Cygwin update

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at mediaone.net
Sat Oct 27 05:36:31 PDT 2001


A HOW-TO would be great! I'm using Linux at the moment but I use Cygwin
any time I'm doing development on the PC, so I love to see a HOW-TO for
the next time I need to build on the PC.


"Pericles S. Nacionales" wrote:
> Folks,
> With some help from Norman Vine, I finally got MapServer to work with
> Apache--using the Cygwin-compiled Apache server.  I don't know if there are
> a lot of people interested in compiling and using MapServer in Cygwin
> environment...  but it's another option.  If anyone is interested in
> checking this out, let me know.  I'll be writing a HOW-TO at some point.
> Perry N.
> pnaciona at gis.umn.edu

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