[mapserver-users] Multiple Shapepaths?

Stephen Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Thu Sep 20 07:32:20 PDT 2001

You're not the first to suggest this and I'll look into adding this support. In the
meantime I suggest storing these temp shapefiles in a subdirectory in your
main directory. Then just preface those layer data elements with temp/filename
and treat permanent layers as normal. Note that you can have some layers
with fullpath data defs and others that use shapepath.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> Stephan Dunning <SDunning at nephrology.org> 09/20/01 09:22AM >>>
Is it possible to employ two separate shapepaths or mapfiles for one map
with multiple layers, one for permanent shapes/layers and one for temporary
shapes/layers to be purged daily?

Each database query performed by a user on my app creates a dbf and
ultimately a shapefile to use in mapserver, but I have writing these temp
shapes to the same directory as my other permanent shapes.  I'd like to
store them separately in order to automatically purge the temp directory on
a daily basis.



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