[mapserver-users] proj module for php with pj_transform ?

Arthur, John John.Arthur at voicestream.com
Thu Sep 20 11:36:11 PDT 2001

First question:

This may be a little off subject, but I have a Oracle database that stores
Latitude/Longitude in NAD27 UTM.  I would like to transform them to NAD83
Decimal on the fly for use in mapserver(and other things) using LCC
cordinates. The biggest issue is the conversion of NAD27->NAD83. Will this
be possible with pj_transform?

Second question:

Can I create a map layer with multiple points(point for each record) from a
database on the fly with php-mapscript? 

Thank you for your time.

John Arthur
john.arthur at voicestream.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Morissette [mailto:morissette at dmsolutions.ca]
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 10:35 AM
To: claude.philipona at camptocamp.com
Cc: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] proj module for php with pj_transform ?

I filed this as an enhancement request in bugzilla...

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
 DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/
  Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if 
      you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

Claude Philipona wrote:
> There is the source for a proj module for php in the distribution of
> We compiled it and use it to have forward and inverse porjection directly
> available in PHP.
> In the new version of proj 4.4.3 there are some new fonctions allowing to
> datum shift and to transform from any coordinates (projection or
> system to another one, with pj_transform.
> We know that these function are not implemented yet in the php module. As
we are
> not expert in building php module, we wanted to know if anybody is
planning to
> extend the php proj module with those fucntion?
> For now, I'm using the exec() function to call the system command cs2cs
> using pj_transform). For example to translate from swiss grid to UTM 32N:
> exec("cs2cs +init=epsg:9814 +to +init=epsg:32632 <<EOF\n 600000 200000 480
\n EOF
> \n" ,$cmd_result);
> Claude Philipona

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