[mapserver-users] compile with TIFF

j1mmm j1mmm at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 24 02:57:50 EDT 2001

I want to compile MapServer to read TIFF. I already have tiff-v3.5.5.zip But after  compiled,  
i got mapserv.exe, no TIFF effect, there is no different like it doesn't compile it. Do i have to configure anything  else??? 

Thank for all help
j1mmm at hotmail.com

these are my makefile.
====ms35gif_nightly.zip --> Makefile.vc=========
# makefile.vc - Main MapServer makefile for MSVC++
# This VC++ makefile will build MAPSERVER.LIB, MAPSERV.EXE, and the other
# MapServer command-line programs.
# To use the makefile:
#  - Open a DOS prompt window
#  - Run the VCVARS32.BAT script to initialize the VC++ environment variables
#  - Start the build with:  nmake /f makefile.vc
# $Id: Makefile.vc,v 1.12 2001/08/23 15:22:29 dan Exp $

#OPTFLAGS = /nologo /Zi /W3 /DDEBUG
OPTFLAGS = /nologo /Zi 

CC=     cl
LINK=   link

# If you want to ignore missing datafile errors uncomment the following
# line. This is especially useful with large tiled datasets that may not
# have complete data for each tile.

# Apparently these aren't as commonplace as I'd hoped. Edit the
# following line to reflect the missing functions on your platform.

# Proj.4 distribution (cartographic projection routines). Not required for normal use. (EXPERIMENTAL)
PROJ_INC=-I ./proj/src

#Use this flag to compile with WMS support

# GD distribution (graphics library GIF and/or PNG support). (REQUIRED)
#   - Version 1.2 is included and writes LZW GIF (-DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_SWAP_XY).
#   - Versions 1.3 to 1.5 write non-LZW GIF (-DUSE_GD_GIF).
#   - Versions 1.6 and greater write PNG (-DUSE_GD_PNG). Add -lpng -lz to GD_LIB line.
#   - Versions 1.8 (or was it 1.7?) also supports JPEG and WBMP (-DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP)
# The following lines will compile GD 1.2:
#GDFONT_OBJ= gd-1.2/gdfontt.obj gd-1.2/gdfonts.obj gd-1.2/gdfontmb.obj \
#  gd-1.2/gdfontl.obj gd-1.2/gdfontg.obj
#GD_INC= -I./gd-1.2
#GD_LIB= gd-1.2/gd.lib

# A patched version of GD that supports GIF, JPEG, PNG and WBMP can be 
# downloaded from http://www.rime.com.au/gd/.
# The following defns will include the patched GD 1.8.4 with TTF:
GD_INC= -I ./gd-1.8.4
GD_LIB=  ./gd-1.8.4/gd.lib ./jpeg/libjpeg.lib ./libpng/projects/msvc/win32/libpng/dll/libpng.lib \
 ./zlib/release/zlib.lib  ./freetype/lib/freetype200b8.lib

# TIFF distribution (raster support for TIFF and GEOTIFF imagery).(RECOMMENDED)

# JPEG distribution (raster support for grayscale JPEG images, INPUT ONLY).

# EPPL7 Support (this activates ERDAS as well) Included in the distribution. Probably the best raster alternative if
# you've got EPPL7 laying around. See http://www.lmic.state.mn.us/ for more information. (RECOMMENDED)

# OGR Support OGC Simple Feature inspired interface for vector
# formats.  See http://gdal.velocet.ca/projects/opengis/
GDAL_DIR= .\gdal
OGR_LIB = $(GDAL_DIR)/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/ogrsf_frmts.lib $(GDAL_DIR)/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/ogrsf_frmts_sup.lib $(GDAL_DIR)/ogr/ogr.lib $(GDAL_DIR)/ogr/../port/cpl.lib
OGR_INC = -I$(GDAL_DIR)/ogr/ogrsf_frmts -I$(GDAL_DIR)/ogr -I$(GDAL_DIR)/ogr/../port

# ESRI SDE support.
SDE_INC=-I  C:\arcexe80\arcsde\sqlexe\include
SDE_LIB=C:\arcexe80\arcsde\sqlexe\lib\sde80.lib C:\arcexe80\arcsde\sqlexe\lib\sg80.lib C:\arcexe80\arcsde\sqlexe\lib\pe80.lib

# UofMN GIS/Image Processing Extension (very experimental)

#ERR_LIB=-L./errLog -lerrLog

#IMGGEN_LIB=-L./imgSrc -limgGEN

# VC++ does not include the REGEX library... so we must provide our one.
# The following definitions will try to build GNU regex-0.12 located in the
# regex-0.12 sub-directory.
# If it was not included in the source distribution, then you can get it from:
#    ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/regex/regex-0.12.tar.gz
REGEX_OBJ= .\regex\regex.obj
REGEX_INC=-I ./regex

# If you want to compile the PHP_MAPSCRIPT module, then you have to make
# MapServer uses the same version of the REGEX library that PHP was 
# compiled with:
#REGEX_OBJ=$(PHP_REGEX)\regcomp.obj $(PHP_REGEX)\regerror.obj \
#          $(PHP_REGEX)\regexec.obj $(PHP_REGEX)\regfree.obj

# REGEX needs some special flags... here they are for VC++ 6.0

# --- You shouldn't have to edit anything else. ---

# Main MapServer library.
MS_LIB  = mapserver.lib
MS_OBJS =  mapbits.obj maphash.obj mapshape.obj mapxbase.obj \
  mapparser.obj maplexer.obj mapindex.obj maptree.obj \
  mapsearch.obj mapstring.obj mapsymbol.obj mapfile.obj \
  maplegend.obj maputil.obj mapscale.obj mapquery.obj \
  maplabel.obj maperror.obj mapprimitive.obj mapproject.obj\
  mapraster.obj cgiutil.obj mapsde.obj mapogr.obj \
                mappostgis.obj maplayer.obj mapresample.obj mapwms.obj \
  mapwmslayer.obj mapgml.obj\

MS_HDRS =  map.h mapfile.h

MS_EXE =  mapserv.exe shp2img.exe legend.exe  \
  shptree.exe scalebar.exe sortshp.exe tile4ms.exe



  $(EPPL) $(PROJ) $(TIFF) $(JPEG) $(GD) $(OGR) $(WMS)

default:  all

all:  $(MAKE_GD) $(MS_LIB) $(MS_EXE)


 copy $(GDAL_DIR)\gdal.pdb .
 lib /out:$(MS_LIB) $(MS_OBJS)

$(MS_EXE): $(LIBS)

 cd gd-1.8.4
 nmake /f makefile.nt gd.lib OPTFLAGS="$(OPTFLAGS)"
 cd ..

 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c /Fo$*.obj

 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.cpp /Fo$*.obj

 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c /Fo$*.obj
 $(LINK) $(LDFLAGS) $*.obj $(LIBS)

 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.cpp /Fo$*.obj
 $(LINK) $(LDFLAGS) $*.obj $(LIBS)

 del *.obj
 del $(REGEX_OBJ)
 del $(MS_LIB)
 del $(MS_EXE)
 del *.pdb
 del *.exp
 del *.ilk
 cd gd-1.8.4
  nmake -f makefile.nt clean
  cd ..
 cd gdft
  nmake -f makefile.vc clean
  cd ..
=======gd-1.8.4amgif.tar.gz  --> makefile.nt ========
#NMAKE makefile for Windows 95/98/NT developers.
#Produces a static library (libgd.lib). Thanks to Joe Gregorio.
#This is out of date.


#If the ar command fails on your system, consult the ar manpage
#for your system. 

#If the install command is not in your path, provide
#an explicit path for it here, or install manually.

#If you don't have FreeType and/or Xpm installed, including the
#header files, uncomment this (default).

#If you do have FreeType and/or Xpm fully installed, uncomment a
#variation of this and comment out the line above. See also LIBS below.

# -DHAVE_LIBFREETYPE can be used instead of -DHAVE_TTF to use the
# newer FreeType2 libraries

#Libraries required for applications 
LIBS=gd.lib ../libpng/projects/msvc/win32/libpng/dll/libpng.lib ../zlib/release/zlib.lib ../jpeg/libjpeg.lib
#LIBS=gd.lib libpng.lib zlib.lib libjpeg.lib libttf.lib

#Libraries required for gd.lib itself
GDLIBS=../libpng/projects/msvc/win32/libpng/dll/libpng.lib ../zlib/release/zlib.lib  ../jpeg/libjpeg.lib ../freetype/lib/freetype200b8.lib  ../tiff/libtiff/libtiff.lib
#GDLIBS=libpng.lib zlib.lib libjpeg.lib libttf.lib

#Typical install locations for freetype, zlib, jpeg, xpm and 
#libpng header files. If yours are somewhere else, change this. 
INCLUDEDIRS=-I../zlib -I../libpng -I../jpeg -I../freetype/lib -I../freetype/include/freetype -I../freetype/include -I../tiff 
#Typical install locations for freetype, zlib, xpm, libjpeg and 
#libpng libraries.
#If yours are somewhere else, other than a standard location
#such as /lib or /usr/lib, then change this. Be sure to keep
#-L. as this allows the gd library itself to be found.
#Put -L. first so that old versions of the gd library elsewhere
#on your system can't cause conflicts while building a new one.

#Location where gd.lib should be installed by "make install".
INSTALL_LIB=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib

#Location where .h files should be installed by "make install".
INSTALL_INCLUDE=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include

#Location where useful non-test programs should be installed by "make install".
INSTALL_BIN=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin

# Changes should not be required below here.




BIN_PROGRAMS=pngtogd.exe pngtogd2.exe gdtopng.exe gd2topng.exe gd2copypal.exe gdparttopng.exe webpng.exe gd2togif.exe gdcmpgif.exe giftogd2.exe

TEST_PROGRAMS=gdtest.exe gddemo.exe gd2time.exe gdtestttf.exe gdtestft.exe

all: gd.lib $(PROGRAMS)

gddemo.exe: gddemo.c gd.lib
 $(CC) gddemo.c $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS)

pngtogd.exe: pngtogd.c gd.lib
 $(CC) pngtogd.c $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS) 

webpng.exe: webpng.c gd.lib
 $(CC) webpng.c  $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS)

pngtogd2.exe: pngtogd2.c gd.lib
 $(CC) pngtogd2.c $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS)

gdtopng.exe: gdtopng.c gd.lib
 $(CC) gdtopng.c  $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS)

gd2topng.exe: gd2topng.c gd.lib
 $(CC) gd2topng.c $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS)

gd2copypal.exe: gd2copypal.c gd.lib
 $(CC) gd2copypal.c $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS)

gdparttopng.exe: gdparttopng.c gd.lib
 $(CC) gdparttopng.c $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS)

gdtest.exe: gdtest.c gd.lib
 $(CC) gdtest.c  $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS)

gd2time.exe: gd2time.c gd.lib
 $(CC) gd2time.c $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS)

gdtestttf.exe: gdtestttf.c gd.lib
 $(CC) gdtestttf.c  $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS)

gdtestft.exe: gdtestft.c gd.lib
 $(CC) gdtestft.c  $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS)

gd2togif.exe: gd2togif.c gd.lib
 $(CC) gd2togif.c $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS)

gdcmpgif.exe: gdcmpgif.c gd.lib
 $(CC) gdcmpgif.c $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS)

giftogd2.exe: giftogd2.c gd.lib
 $(CC) giftogd2.c $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS)

OBJS=gd.obj gdhelpers.obj gd_gd.obj gd_gd2.obj gd_io.obj gd_io_dp.obj gd_io_file.obj gd_ss.obj \
 gd_io_ss.obj gd_png.obj gdxpm.obj gdfontt.obj gdfonts.obj gdfontmb.obj gdfontl.obj \
 gd_gif_in.obj gd_gif_out.obj gd_biggif_out.obj gd_lzw_out.obj \
 gdfontg.obj gdtables.obj gdttf.obj gdft.obj gdcache.obj gdkanji.obj gd_jpeg.obj gd_wbmp.obj wbmp.obj

gd.lib:  $(OBJS) gd.h gdfontt.h gdfonts.h gdfontmb.h gdfontl.h gdfontg.h 
 $(AR) $(OBJS) $(GDLIBS) 

 del *.obj *.lib $(PROGRAMS)

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