[mapserver-users] ANGLE AUTO labels with TRUETYPE and LINE features. The text isdisplayed wrong.

Michel M. dos Santos michel at omnisystem.com.br
Mon Apr 1 11:25:03 PST 2002

	Hi Dan,

	Yes, the version of GD is 1.8.4.
	I recompiled libgd 1.8.4 with -DHAVE_LIBTTF flag  as you  suggest. It works 
fine with  freetype-1.3.1.

	Thanks a lot,
Michel M. dos Santos

Em Qui 28 Mar 2002 21:11, Dan Keith escreveu:
> Hi Michel,
> I have some more clues regarding this behavior...
> My MacOSX (which exhibits the bug) is using GD1.8.4 linked with Mapserver.
> My Linux box (running the most recent Debian software [unstable]) is
> running GD2.0.1.
> I am almost certain that the bug is in the GD source file gdft.c in
> the function gdImageStringFT(), which is responsible for invoking the
> freetype library to draw a character at a time. The initial angle
> calculated by mapserver is correct; mapserver appears to NOT be at
> fault.
> gdImageStringFT() probably incorrectly computes the proper x/y
> coordinates for the individual characters, resulting in the
> appearance of a bad angle.
> My conjecture is that you are also running GD1.8.4.
> You may ask, "How come other people running 1.8.4 aren't experiencing
> this bug?" The probable answer is that their GD is compiled with the
> -DHAVE_LIBTTF flag on, which will enable mapserver to use an
> alternate function, gdImageStringTTF(), which does not have the bug.
> This is why people to build mapserver or GD for freetype 1.x do not
> experience this bug (Steve Lime mentioned this last fact in a
> previous message).
> Sooooo.... I am going to try to build GD2.0.1 and see if I can get
> mapserver to link with it and see if it works. It may also be
> possible to fix the bug directly in 1.8.4, which may be desirable if
> GD2.0.1 is full of other bugs.
> Note that I was able to duplicate this bug without mapserver by
> hacking the GD test file, gdtestft.c to draw angled text. The bug
> reproduces quite nicely in isolation.
> later,
> dan keith

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