[mapserver-users] HTML image maps and PDF

imap at chesapeake.net imap at chesapeake.net
Mon Apr 1 15:55:10 PST 2002


The way I generated an HTML imagemap, was from mapscript...  you have
to loop thru all of the element of the labelCache and spit out all
of the bounding polygonal data for the labels and markers that you
place on the image.  I have an example of this someplace, but cant
locate it at the moment.  I will try to locate it for you later when I
get a chance...


Chris Stuber (mapsurfer)

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> Hi guys, kinda off topic but not really.  The terminology overlaps, but
> I'll try it anyhow :)
> I want to take an image of a map from mapserver and use HTML image maps
> (not to be confused with "image of a map") as web links to other documents.
> I know I could do the same sort of thing with Mapserver, but the target is
> for offline usage.  If would be really nice to be able to do this kind of
> thing in a PDF file but even just straight HTML would do.
> Here's my (more direct) question.  Anyone got any ideas for how I could
> take a shapefile or other vector data and use it as an HTML image map (aka
> hotspots?) on a web page.  The input data would have some value in it that
> points to a URL or other file.
> Any ideas?  Boy that's convoluted to explain.
> Tyler

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