[mapserver-users] Mapserver Compilation Version runtime errors

Alexander Shostko shostko at ureach.com
Fri Apr 5 15:12:13 EST 2002

Dear Map Server Users !

The opinion is appreciated on the following:

The binary distribution of mapserver comes in 


gif and png versions.

I compiled the mapserver using the source code provided for 
windows 2000. The only problems encountered were:

defining explicitly

#define bcmp(s1, s2, n)	memcmp ((s1), (s2), (n))
#define bcopy(s, d, n)	memcpy ((d), (s), (n))
#define bzero(s, n)	memset ((s), 0, (n))
#define alloca( par ) malloc( (par))

and skipping some *.obj defined in the makefile , but not found 
in regex distribution.

in regex compilcation 

and replacing (as suggested in gd  comments ) *gif functions
by *png functions (there are no *Gif equivalents in gd source 

void gdImageGif(gdImagePtr im, FILE *outFile)
    gdImagePng(im, outFile);
} // eof 

gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGif(FILE *inFile)
   return gdImageCreateFromPng(inFile);

} // eof 

in gd-1.8.4
Well, when I placed the compiled version into cgi-bin\ instead 
of precompiled binaries. It gives the error 

that it can not initialize the image.  

? What version is compiled in source distribution: gif or png, 
or anything else

? which flags I need to set to produce either gif or png version
(gif is defined by USE_GD_GIF in the source ... )

Thanks a lot 
Alexander Shostko
shostko at ureach.com

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